Club Policy

The nitty gritty

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Club Roles

This is where you find the job descriptions for all the fabulous people behind the scenes that make Ranges Basketball so fantastic.



This is where you will find Domestic Rules, Code of conduct, Heat Policy, and other information including insurance.


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Ranges Role Job Descriptions

Club Roles


The Ranges Basketball Club President is the leader of the Club and is there to ensure the Club is run efficiently administratively, financially and socially to support its members & community.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Leads, but does not direct 
  • Ensures there is fair discussion on each issue and that all points are expressed before a decision is reached 
  • Keeps the meeting moving in the desired direction. Be firm, but tactful, with members deviating from the point under discussion 
  • After adequate discussion on an issue impartially summarises the points of view expressed, both for and against, to make sure members know clearly what they will be voting or agreeing to 
  • Runs the meeting so that a balance is struck between speed and efficiency on the one hand, and keeping the meeting enjoyable on the other 
  • Start meetings on time o Know and follow the agenda strictly, unless directed otherwise by the meeting 
  • Attempt to get all members to contribute to the meeting 
  • Be enthusiastic – enthusiasm is catching
  • This should be a summary of the years’ activities, detailing programs conducted, membership changes, physical developments and any outstanding achievements. Also include a review of the financial situation and a look at plans and aspirations for the future



Vice President

Duties and Responsibilities

  • He/she will Chair meetings, (i.e. AGM, Committee Meetings, ‘Special Meetings’ etc)
  • Represent the Club all other perform all other duties that the President may undertake.
  • Annual Family Fun & Presentation Day, Grand Final Day representation
  • Compile annual participation awards and liaise with Trophy provider.


  • Acts as or ensures his/her delegate act in the best interests of the club
  • Supports all coaches, players and committee members


  • Must hold a current Working with Children Check (WWC) & have signed a Member Protection Declaration


Duties and Responsibilities

  • The Club
  • Knox Basketball Association
  • VBRA – Knox Branch
  • Court scorers for Grand Finals & Presentation & Family Fun Day


  • Acts as or ensures his/her delegate act in the best interests of the club
  • Supports all coaches, players and committee members


  • Must hold a current Working with Children Check (WWC) & have signed a Member Protection Declaration


The Ranges Basketball Club Treasurer is responsible for the financial position of the Club.

Duties and Responsibilities



  • Must hold a current Working with Children Check (WWC) & have signed a Member Protection Declaration

Age Group Coordinator

The role of Age Group Coordinator is the key communication point between the Club committee and its Coaches & Team Managers.

Duties and Responsibilities



  • Must hold a current Working with Children Check (WWC) & have signed a Member Protection Declaration

Uniform Coordinator

The Uniform Coordinator’s position is to ensure the supply of uniforms and other club apparel is available throughout the year to enable the Ranges Basketball Club community to take to the court each week. This role is not an Executive Committee role, but one that is voluntary and required.

Duties and Responsibilities

New Uniforms

To order uniforms as needed for the Club from the nominated supplier

Loan Singlets

Alternate Singlets



  • Must hold a current Working with Children Check (WWC) & have signed a Member Protection Declaration

General Committee Member

The role of a General Committee member is to support the Executive Committee by contributing and assisting them with the running of the Club.

Duties and Responsibilities



  • Must hold a current Working with Children Check (WWC) & have signed a Member Protection Declaration
The Important Small Print

Club Policies

Photography at Basketball

Basketball Victoria recognises that there are many legitimate reasons why still and video photography at sports is very common and does not wish to unnecessarily restrict or curb that photography.

It is perfectly normal and acceptable for parents to want to film their children’s sports to keep as a memento of their growing up. This is becoming increasingly so with the technology being widely owned.

It is also becoming increasingly popular for coaches to video their teams games to assist them in training. Less common, but also becoming more so, is for the purposes of scouting another team that will be playing the videoing team shortly. Videos can also assist in referee training.

Having a video record of a game is also useful if there is a reportable incident during the game. The video can be used in evidence. At more senior levels, the competition organisers have made it compulsory for games to be taped for precisely this reason. In addition, the knowledge that a game is being taped may act as a deterrent to bad behaviour because players will know they may be captured on tape, even if a referee does not see the misdeed. So there is a safety angle to the issue as well.

On the other hand, photographs and videos can also be used for nefarious purposes. Basketball Victoria is concerned to ensure that it and its Affiliated associations take reasonable steps to ascertain that photographic depiction of basketball activities is being used for legitimate and harmless purposes.

This means that competition organisers have to be ever vigilant in protecting participants, particularly children.

Accordingly, the following policy will apply until further notice:

Associations and leagues should usually allow parents and close relatives to take photographs and video tape games or training provided the parent or relative is known to the association. As a courtesy, the coach or manager of the opposition team should also be notified of the intention to photograph or video the game.

Coaches who wish to video their own team’s games or training for training purposes should also normally be allowed to do so. Again, the opposition should be informed. Parents of the coaches own team should be advised by the coach if it is intended to regularly video games or training and the reason for it.

Referee coaches wishing to video games for training or evaluation purposes should advise the teams of their intentions prior to the game.

Some coaches desire to scout teams that they will be playing in the future and a convenient way of doing this is to video the game. If this is to occur then both teams should be advised in advance. However, this should usually be allowed.

Should any person take objection to the photographing or videoing, they should be asked the reason why they object. It should be explained to them that normal policy in these circumstances is that the photography or videoing should be allowed. However, if the person objecting has a legitimate and strong reason why the objection is made, then a bar should be placed on the photography or videoing. A strong reason may be that the child concerned is the subject of contested custody proceedings or has been the subject of violence or threats and publication of a video or photograph may compromise the safety of the child.

Associations should exercise common sense in this matter, bearing in mind the above policy.

Training Policy

A minimum of two adults must be present at every training.

The coach must visually check the area of the court and surrounds for any hazardous items that could cause an injury if a player fell on or ran into them.

Players must be wearing appropriate footwear and clothing before they can commence training.

Younger siblings must be supervised by an adult and are not permitted to play with a ball or any other toy in the vicinity of the court whilst the training is in progress.

Ensure that players have warmed up before undertaking any strenuous training.

If a player is forced to cease training due to any injury or contact that player may not resume training without the permission of a parent or guardian.

The practice of playing “skins versus tops” games at boys training is not permitted.

Coaches should be aware of physical size and ability level when matching players for training drills.

Allow at least one drinks break during training.

In the event of a player needing to be disciplined this should be done privately and not in front of other members of the team.

If you have an ongoing problem with the behaviour of one or more players support is available from the club. Contact your age group co-ordinator if you need advice or assistance.

In the event of the temperature exceeding 30 degrees Celsius, coaches at their own discretion can cancel training for their team. Coaches must notify each player within their team if training is cancelled.

Coaches must ensure players are sufficiently hydrated and have regular rest breaks, should the outside temperature exceed 30 degrees Celsius.

Coaches Code of Conduct

This Coaches code of conduct has been developed by Basketball Victoria to give participants some guide to the expectations it has on those participants.
  1. Remember that basketball is for enjoyment.
  2. Be reasonable in your demands
  3. Teach understanding and respect for the rules.
  4. Give all players a reasonable amount of court time.
  5. Develop team respect for the ability of opponents including their coaches.
  6. Instil in your players respect for officials and an acceptance of their judgement.
  7. Guide your players in their interaction with the media, parents and spectators.
  8. Group players according to age, height, skills and physical maturity, whenever possible.
  9. Ensure that equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the age and ability of the players.
  10. Be prepared to lose sometimes.
  11. Act responsibly when players are ill or injured.
  12. As well as imparting knowledge and skills, promote desirable personal and social behaviours.
  13. Keep your knowledge current.
  14. Ensure that any physical contact with a player is appropriate.
  15. Avoid personal relationships with players.
  16. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person.
  17. Always respect the use of facilities and equipment provided.
  18. Always respect the use of facilities and equipment provided.

Players Code of Conduct

This Players code of conduct has been developed by Basketball Victoria to give participants some guide to the expectations it has on those participants. Understand and play by the rules.
  1. Respect referees and other officials.
  2. Control your temper.
  3. Work equally hard for yourself and for your team.
  4. Be a good sport.
  5. Treat all players as you would like to be treated.
  6. Play for the “enjoyment of it” and not just to please parents and coaches.
  7. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person.
  8. Be prepared to lose sometimes.
  9. Listen to the advice of your coach and try to apply it at practice and in games.
  10. Always respect the use of facilities and equipment provided.

Spectators Code of Conduct

This Spectators code of conduct has been developed by Basketball Victoria to give participants some guide to the expectations it has on those participants.  Remember that most people play sport for enjoyment.

  1. Accept decisions of all referees as being fair and called to the best of their ability.
  2. Always be positive in your support for players.
  3. Condemn the use of violence in any form.
  4. Respect your team’s opponents, officials and spectators.
  5. Encourage players to obey the rules and to accept decisions of officials.
  6. Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not using foul language or harassing players, coaches or officials.
  7. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person.
  8. Keep children in your care under control.
  9. Always respect the use of facilities and equipment provided.

Social Media & Internet Policy

The Ranges Basketball Club expects its members to maintain a high level of professionalism and display appropriate behaviour at all times when using Social Media for any purposes involving basketball.

What is Social Media?

Social Media includes all internet-based publishing technologies. Most forms of Social Media are interactive, allowing authors, readers & publishers to connect and interact with one another. The published material can often be accessed by anyone. Forms of Social Media include, but not limited to, social or business networking sites (eg. Facebook, Linkedin), video &/or photo sharing websites (eg. YouTube, Flickr, Instagram), business/corporate and personal blogs, micro-blogs (eg. Twitter), chat rooms and forums &/or Social Media.

Social Media can be fun, helpful and dangerous

Comments, notes, and photos posted on Social Media sites such as Facebook, Twitter & on-line forums are usually constructive and positive. But negative comments and images, bullying, criticism and sexist remarks can be dangerous and harmful to people’s wellbeing, reputation and also the image of basketball as a sport.

How does this apply to Ranges Basketball Club?

Ranges Basketball Club acknowledges its members have the right to contribute content on social network sites. However, inappropriate behaviour on such sites has the potential to tarnish the reputation of Club as well as its members. All members must refrain from posting, sending, forwarding or using in anyway inappropriate material which;
  • Could possibly cause insult / offence / intimidation or humiliation to Ranges Basketball Club or its members and associates of the wider basketball community.
  • May be considered defamatory to anyone involved in basketball.
  • Comments that may be seen to affect the reputation of the Club.
  • Any encouragement of inappropriate material such as liking, re-tweeting and general promoting of unacceptable behaviour.
  • Posting on all blogs/forums that reflect negatively on the Club or basketball and its participants in general.

What happens if I breach this policy?

All Ranges members are expected to comply with this policy at all times whilst a financial member of the Club.  Any breach of this policy will be treated as a serious matter and will likely result in disciplinary action.

Disciplinary action includes but is not limited to;

  • Formal warning from the Ranges Basketball Club Executive committee
  • Suspension or termination of membership from Ranges Basketball Club
  • Referral to the Basketball Victoria Tribunal.
Each case will be assessed by the Ranges Executive committee on the individual circumstances and its merit.

Do not tolerate or condone poor Social Media behaviour or actions.

If you are aware of or observe poor Social Media behaviour or actions, do not accept it.  There is no place for it in basketball and it will not be condoned. If you believe the breach is serious, you are encouraged to report it to a Club official or a member of the Ranges Basketball Club Committee.

Team Selection


The #1 team in each gender/age group should be the strongest team the club can field. Subsequent teams shall be selected in ascending order of strength (stronger teams #2 upwards) and appropriate grade for the player and team.

  • Skills – player equivalent skill level
  • Player balance, team positional structure
  • Development, identify players with potential development
  • Up to a maximum of 8 players can be selected into a team. This may be increased at the discretion of the committee.​

​Player Criteria

​Selection based on:
  • ​Skill – offence, defence, ball handling and use
  • Attitude – game, training, team orientation and effort
  • Commitment – attendance (at both games & training) & reliability
  • Friendships (where other criteria allow)
  • Financial – registration fees have been paid, or an agreed payment plan is in place

Friendship Requests

Friendship requests must be submitted to the club’s Secretary in writing and outline the following, before the close of player registration date. Friendship requests are preferred for the U8 to U12 Age Groups. U14 & U16 should be skilled based. Friendship based teams are considered for U19 >U23 providing all team officials are also listed, being: Coach & Scorer.
  • Players Names
  • Parent/Guardian names
  • Contact details
  • Current age group & team
  • Detail reason for request
  • Signed by both players’ parent/guardians

The following consideration will apply to all friendship requests:

  • Should the player’s be of unequal ability, the stronger player/s must be prepared to play in a lower ranked team.
  • The club Secretary is satisfied that the presence of the stronger player/s will not have an impact on the grading of the team or any other effect that could be detrimental to the other players within the team.

Age Group Requests

A request to be selected in a higher age group must be submitted in writing to the club’s Executive Committee for consideration and contain the following information, before the close of player registration date:
  • Players Name
  • Parent/Guardian names
  • Contact details
  • Current age group & team

Notification of outcome requests

All requestors will be notified in writing once decision has been made.

Team Selection Process

Teams shall be selected from the following information:
  • Player criteria
  • Team criteria
  • Coaches feedback sheets (compulsory)
  • Open discussion by team coaches & age group coordinators at selection meeting
  • Age group coordinators assessment
  • Requests either friendship or higher age-group
  • Executive Committee Review and Approval of the proposed teams prior to lodgement with Knox Basketball.  At its discretion, the Executive Committee may request Age Group Coordinators to review and if necessary amend team selections if it believes the best outcome for player and club is not being achieved.
  • Selected teams will remain confidential until such time as they are released by the club’s Secretary.

Financial Policy

Registered Players

To be considered as a Registered Player for the Ranges Basketball Club Inc, each player must pay their seasonal fees. Payment of seasonal fees (Summer/Winter Season) defines a player as being financial. ​A financial player will then be selected or allocated to a team based on Ranges Basketball Club team selection policy.


​Ranges BC committee shall review and set upcoming registration fees for each season. All fees are inclusive of the weekly team sheet fee set by KBI.
​Existing and new players will pay the respective season fee at time of registration for the current season.


A player to be considered financial for an upcoming season must complete payment by or on the stated registration link.
​All registrations are done through the Playhq link, advertised seasonally on Club social media and via email. Each season has a different link!

​​Methods of Payment

Ranges Basketball Club will only accept playing fees through Playhq.

Payment Plans

​Ranges Basketball Club recognises that some members may find paying fees in full difficult and prevent players taking part in basketball.
  • Ranges Basketball Club will at the discretion of its Treasurer offer a payment plan to assist those who require this payment method. This requires a club voucher to be prepared. It is a one use only voucher and can’t be used for any subsequent seasons.
  • A player will be considered financial once first installment has been paid. However, if a payment default occurs during payment plan period or at end of current season installments are outstanding, the player will be deemed non financial and not considered for selection until full payment has been made for next season.

Outstanding Fees

​Outstanding fees are no longer an issue due to payment in full through playhq.

Non-Financial Players

Players who elect not to pay their season fees or default on payment plan or Team sheet contributions (games played) may be removed from their team at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

A player may be reinstated if all outstanding debts have been settled.

Fee Refunds

  1. Players who paid for the current season and withdraws their registration due to not being satisfied with the team they are selected within shall not be entitled to any refund.
  2. Players who paid for the current season and are unable to play all or part of the season due to personal reasons, such as family tragedy or family relocation, may be entitled to receive a partial refund their season fees, at the discretion of the Executive Committee
  3. Players that stop playing during a season shall not be entitled to any refund unless the meet all of the following criteria:
  • They have been injured and unable to play for the remaining season

  • A doctor certificate is received by the club Secretary
A refund request must be submitted in writing to the club’s Executive Committee for consideration and contain the following information;
  • Players name
  • Parent/Guardian’s name
  • Contact details
  • Current age group and team
  • Detail reason for request
  • Bank details.

Notification of Outcome Requests

​All requestors will be notified in writing once decision has been made. An administration fee set at the discretion of the Executive Committee may be deducted from any approved refund request.
Coming soon

Club Constitution

Watch this space ...